案例研究 2020年2月2日

Eurostar – protecting ‘Europe’s most loved travel experience’


被誉为“欧洲最受欢迎的旅行体验”,’ Eurostar sets the standard for international high-speed passenger rail travel.

Eurostar sought a security partner with expertise in the aviation and transport sectors and a like-minded approach to service excellence.

With over 10 million customers passing through Eurostar terminals every year, 安全是重中之重, and the organisation demands the same diligence found at a busy international airport.


Mitie has provided security services to Eurostar for over 10 年. This includes thorough searches, including scanning arches as well as body and bag scanning conducted at the Eurostar terminals in St Pancras, 埃布斯弗利特,阿什福德和坦普尔米尔斯仓库. 总之,快速处理是关键 卓越的客户澳博官方网站.


  • 访问控制
  • 对乘客进行x光检查和AMD检查
  • 行人和火车搜查
  • 出口检查
  • 托管e-gates

得益于我们在该领域广泛的客户组合,我们 have a large team of officers to call on for relief purposes. 这确保了 client receives the service they need, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

支持卓越澳博官方网站, we have introduced a tailored customer service training package called We Care. This was created following briefing sessions with key Eurostar stakeholders, during which we worked to understand what was important to the organisation and its valued passengers.

此外,我们还与现场安全团队举行了研讨会. The sessions were supported by our expert training and performance specialists and resulted in four We Care values:

  • 顾客至上
  • 态度是一种心态
  • 每次都是负责任的决定
  • 额外的里程意味着额外的微笑

These values are used to define the expected behaviour of every member of the Eurostar security team.

作为我们关爱计划的一部分, we also launched a bi-monthly customer service newsletter to inform our teams of the latest operational performance stats. We use this platform to share success stories and promote best practice focussed on providing the ultimate passenger experience.

我们还参与了欧洲之星的advantage和Etoile schemes, aimed at delivering seamless passenger experience between Mitie’s 安全团队和第三方供应商:

  • One of our female staff at Ebbsfleet received the Etoile award as recognition for her assistance to a male passenger who had collapsed on the travellator. She provided CPR and called the emergency services, saving his life.

One of the most impactful measures has been the creation of a concierge-style role to support the passenger queuing system. This has led to Eurostar passengers progressing through security much more efficiently.


With increased scores month onmonth in Eurostar’s customer surveys he results of these customer service improvements spoke for themselves.

2019年7月, the team received external recognition for exceptional performance when they were awards the Best Team in the British 安全 奖.

The Eurostar 安全 Team, Best Team, British 安全 奖, 2019.

“I just wanted to express my thanks for the tremendous support given by the Mitie security team at St Pancras following the strikes from the customer services and platform teams at St Pancras 国际.

该团队支持几个不同的功能, 包括对边境客户的控制, 离港区和登机区, 以及援助、机动和支助, and they also generally supported any void or duties in need accordingly.

The feedback from customers and Eurostar work colleagues has been extremely positive. The security team’s commitment to ensuring the business operated as usual is a credit to the leadership from the management teams and should be formally acknowledged and recognised.”



  • Every officer on the Eurostar contract has CTC clearance and is trained to UK Department for 运输 standards in x-ray operation, 行李检查和身体检查.

